1. You understand each other without words
Not everything in the photographer's work is determined by his skill and equipment. If a wedding photographer can correctly expose the light, find beautiful locations, but at the same time you are uncomfortable with him - this is not your photographer. Go to a meeting with several candidates and determine which one of them is easy for you to communicate with and who sees the wedding photoshoot the same way you do. If such a person was found, you can be sure - you found your wedding photographer master! So, your bride and groom photo session will take place in comfortable conditions, and you will look natural and at ease in the pictures.

2. You both have the same style and agreed on what a wedding photo shoot should be like
It is important that you and the wedding photographer correspond not only on an emotional level, but also in matters of submitting a material. Check out the Wedding photographer portfolio - would you like your photo shoot to be done in this style? Then safely keep his contacts in the list of candidates. There are many wedding photographers, and each of them works in their own style. It is very important that you like the individual handwriting of the master. Otherwise, you risk getting photos that will not resonate in your heart.
3. You like not only individual photos in the portfolio, but also the whole series
Each wedding photographer puts in his portfolio only the best photos, the percentage of which in the entire series may be insignificant. Viewing the entire photo session will allow you to understand whether the wedding photographer can catch moments, emotions, or, conversely, he is an expert in post-processing. After viewing two or three full weddings, ask yourself again if you want this wedding to be captured by this wedding photographer. If the answer is positive, be sure - you definitely will be satisfy with the result.